Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 4

This week, all classes will begin subtracting integers.  We'll be kicking it off on Tuesday with some story problems and modeling the story with mathematics.  On Wednesday and Thursday we will continue practicing and depending on the level of mastery as we proceed, we may either explore subtraction further by subtracting rational numbers or we may take a partner quiz on subtracting integers.

On Thursday, all students will be taking the computerized STAR test.  The test is adaptive so each student will have an individualized test where a correct answer will bring forth a more difficult question and an incorrect (or no answer) will lead to an easier question.  At the end of the test, students will receive an approximate grade level of mastery.  We will be taking the STAR test periodically (2 - 3 times during the school year).  There is no need to study for this test as it is cumulative math at all grade levels.

By now, you should have received the class syllabus.  It has information about our class.  If you would like to receive emails from me about reminders and key dates, please complete the form below to be added to the class email list.

Once again, notes and other class documents are available on box.

6th Accelerated:
7th Grade:

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