Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unit 3 Test Results

On Tuesday, the 6th graders took Unit Test 3. Our goal was for each student to demonstrate at least 80% mastery. Since there were 25 questions, that means you had to get at least 20 correct. Congratulations to all students who met our Big Goal and demonstrated mastery of Unit 3!

There were several students who had outstanding performance.

Jalen Fleming, Gaby Rodriguez,  and Leonardo Robles Gonzalez answered 25 out of 25 questions correctly!

Grant Cooperman, Jere Willis, Gabe Yee, and Noah Pierce answered 24 out of 25 questions correctly!

In addition to the students mentioned already, the following students met our goal of 80% mastery:
Melissa Murphy, Jose Ruelas, Andrew Gonzalez, Colton Jack, Colton Sterkel, Nick Escobedo, Brooke Deeds, Dulce De Leon De La Cruz, Kevin Soto-Ortega, Cole Scheler, Kathy Chavez Alvarez, Emily Siau, Alex Ruffo, Rachel Kiep, and Dara Masri.

Great work, everyone!!

Below are class results of the Unit 3 Test.

Average (Raw)
Average %
Students Above 80%
Total Students





Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week of 12/14/09

It's Unit Test and Amnesty Week!

This week, we will be having our third and final unit test of the semester.

6th grade Unit Test 3: Tuesday, December 15
Algebra 1 Unit Test 3: Thursday, December 17

Both classes have been given a study guide to be completed for extra credit.

This week is also Amnesty Week.  I will be giving out printed copies of your current grade.  Algebra students will receive theirs on Monday without their Unit 3 Test grade.  6th grade students will receive theirs on Wednesday with their Unit 3 Test grade.  All students will have the opportunity to review their grades and submit missing work or re-work for a higher grade.  Quizzes can also be taken again this week during class.  Students must staple their re-work to their grade sheet and highlight the assignment on the grade sheet that they are submitting.  Everything must be submitted by this Friday.

Also, I am collecting comic strips from the newspaper for a 6th grade project.  If you have comic strips from the newspaper, please bring them in as soon as possible.  We will be starting the project on Wednesday.  This is an optional project to be completed over winter break.

Homework for the week is as follows:

Mon. (12/14): Unit 3 Study Guide (extra credit)
Tue. (12/15): No HW - Unit 3 Test today!
Wed (12/16):  Make-Up work / Comic Project (optional)
Thu. (12/17): Make-Up work / Comic Project (optional)
Fri. (12/18): Comic Project (optional) / Enjoy your break!

8th Grade HW

Mon. (12/14): Unit 3 Study Guide Pg. 1
Tue. (12/15): Unit 3 Study Guide Pg. 2-3
Wed (12/16):  Unit 3 Study Guide Pg. 4-5
Thu. (12/17)
: No HW - Unit 3 Test today!
Fri. (12/18): Packet (optional) / Enjoy your break!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week of 12/7/09

We have just two more weeks until Christmas break!  Am I the only one counting?  For 6th graders, we have just 6 more days until our final unit test for the semester.  For Algebra students, we have 9 more days until the final unit test.  We definitely have a lot of milestones coming up.

This week, 6th graders will be studying how to compare, order, and identify fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers on the number line.  We will also be reviewing for Unit Test 3, which will be on Tuesday, December 15.  I am planning to get the study guide on on Friday so that you will have the weekend to work on it for extra credit.  The format of the test will be the same as usual: 25 multiple choice questions and you have to show your work on the back.

This week, Algebra students will be using their skills of solving systems of equations to solve three types of word problems: mixture problems, rate problems, and two digit number problems.  We will focus on one type of problem per day and review all three on Thursday and have a quiz on Friday.  Unit Test 3 for Algebra 1 will be on Thursday, December 17.  Since systems of equations generally take longer to solve than the previous problems, there will be fewer problems on the test.  Instead of the normal 25 multiple choice problems, there will be 15 multiple choice problems.

Homework for the week is as follows:
6th Grade HW
Mon. (12/7): Pg. 152 #11-18
Tue. (12/8): Pg. 152 #8-10
Wed (12/9):  Pg. 152 #25-27
Thu. (12/10): Quiz 11 Practice Problems
Fri. (12/11): No HW (quiz today)

Algebra 1 HW

Mon. (12/7): Pg. 359 # 2, 5
Tue. (12/8): Pg. 359 # 1, 4
Wed (12/9):  Pg. 359 # 3, 6
Thu. (12/10): Quiz 11 Practice Problems
Fri. (12/11): No HW (quiz today)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Week of 11/30/09

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and is ready to finish the semester strong!

I have a special offer for the 8th graders.  I will use the last two quizzes of this semester (both are review material) to replace your two lowest quiz scores of your entire semester.  So, work hard on sharpening your skills for solving systems of equations and you can really bring up your grades!

For the 6th graders, I have a different offer.  Instead of a big Friday quiz in the next two weeks, we will be having mini quizzes every day.  At the end of the two weeks, your mini quiz grades added together can replace your lowest quiz grade of the semester.  These mini quizzes are also semester review material.

Homework for the next two weeks will mostly be worksheets.  Make sure you hang on to these worksheets because they will help you study for our final Unit Test.  Mark your calendar for these important dates.

6th grade Unit Test 3: Tuesday, December 15
Algebra 1 Unit Test 3: Thursday, December 17

6th Grade HW
Mon. (11/30): GCF and Simplifying Fractions W.S.
Tue. (12/1): Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers W.S. (mini quiz today)
Wed (12/2):  Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers W.S. (mini quiz today)
Thu. (12/3): Adding and Subtracting Fractions W.S. (mini quiz today)

Fri. (12/4): No HW (mini quiz today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (11/23): Manipulating Equations W.S.
Tue. (11/24): Substitution W.S.
Wed (11/25):  Manipulating Equations 2 W.S.
Thu. (11/26)
: Substitution 2 W.S.
Fri. (11/27): No HW (Quiz 10)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week of 11/23/09

Thanksgiving is almost here!  I know that I am very thankful for all of my hard-working and kind students this year.

As you are buying groceries, please consider enrolling in the Box Tops for education program.  There are certain products that contribute funding to our school if we cut off the box tops.  By submitting these box tops, our school can earn thousands of dollars.  Especially in this time of budget cuts, every little bit can help.  Please consider purchasing the follow products and sending your child to school with the box tops.


This week, we will be working on a short 2-day project in each class.  6th graders will be working on an adding/subtracting fractions project while the Algebra students will be solving systems of equations.

Wednesday is a minimum day, meaning that school ends at 12:30 (no lunch served).  We will be having assemblies, so some classes may be going to an assembly instead of class.  I will not be here on Wednesday, but I will be leaving a Thanksgiving-themed graphing worksheet.

Homework for the week is below:

6th Grade HW
Mon. (11/23): Fractions Project
Tue. (11/24): Project due today
Wed (11/25):  Count your blessings
Thu. (11/26)
: Happy Thanksgiving (no HW)
Fri. (11/27): National Day of Listening (not for a grade, just a suggestion)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (11/23): Word Problems Project
Tue. (11/24): Project due today
Wed (11/25):  Count your blessings
Thu. (11/26)
: Happy Thanksgiving (no HW)
Fri. (11/27): National Day of Listening (not for a grade, just a suggestion)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Week of 11/16/09

This week, I would like to highlight the online textbook resource.  Did you know that you can view and download any page of the math book from the internet?  Did you know that every page is also available in Spanish?  Did you know that you can find extra practice problems and quizzes here?  Check it out!


6th Grade User: 6math16
6th Grade PW: ******** (8 lower case letters/no spaces our school)

Algebra User: algebra460
Algebra PW: ******** (8 lower case letters/ no spaces our school)

6th Grade HW
Mon. (11/16): Pg. 178 #18-27
Tue. (11/17): Pg. 182 #10-17
Wed (11/18):  Pg. 182 #18-25
Thu. (11/19)
: Quiz 10 Practice Problems
Fri. (11/20): No HW (Quiz 10 today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (11/16): Pg. 340 #5, 6, 24
Tue. (11/17): Pg. 341 #25, 29, 32
Wed (11/18):  Pg. 347 #1, 2, 8
Thu. (11/19)
: Quiz 10 Practice Problems
Fri. (11/20): No HW (Quiz 10 today)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of 11/9/09

We have a short week this week!

Please remember that there is no school on Tuesday, Nov. 10 (In-Service Day) nor on Wednesday, Nov. 11 (in observance of Veteran's Day).

6th Graders will be working on a Trail Mix project on Monday (with some real yummy results!) and continuing the rest of the week working on adding fractions.

8th Graders will be continuing to work on solving systems of equations, but this week we will be studying and practicing the method of substitution.

I will not be on school on Friday because I am traveling to Illinois for the wedding of a friend.  No worries, I'll be back on Monday!

Below are this week's homework assignments:

6th Grade HW
Mon. (11/9): LCD worksheet
Tue. (11/10): No school / No homework
Wed (11/11):  No school / No homework
Thu. (11/12)
: Adding Fractions worksheet
Fri. (11/13): No HW

8th Grade HW

Mon. (11/9): Pg. 340 #1-3, 7
Tue. (11/10): No school / No homework
Wed (11/11):  No school / No homework
Thu. (11/12)
: Pg. 340 #8-10
Fri. (11/13): No HW

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of 11/2/09

Important Announcement: Unit 2 Re-takes are this Wednesday from 2:10pm - 3pm.

Remember, you must complete the test corrections before being eligible for the re-take.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (11/2): Pg. 190 # 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 17, Math Journal problems
Tue. (11/3): Pg. 190 # 24-27, 29-31, 37-39
Wed (11/4):  Pg. 194 # 10-17
Thu. (11/5)
: Quiz 9 Practice Problems
Fri. (11/6): No HW (Quiz today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (11/2): Pg. 332 # 5-8
Tue. (11/3): Pg. 332 # 13 - 16
Wed (11/4): Pg. 374 #16 - 18
Thu. (11/5)
: Quiz 8 Practice Problems
Fri. (11/6): No HW (Quiz today)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week of 10/26/09

Important Announcement: Re-take rescheduled!

Since I will be in training on Wednesday, Unit 2 retakes will be rescheduled for next week.  The test corrections will remain the same.

Test Corrections (2 opportunities):

  • Next Monday (10/26/09) - after school from 2:10pm - 3pm
  • Next Tuesday (10/27/09) - during lunch
Students can come get help from me to correct the missed questions on the test.  Students will be able to earn half credit points back for the questions that they correct.  Students only have to correct the ones they got wrong.  Many have already done this in class, but I have not put those grades in the gradebook yet.

Test Re-Take (1 opportunity):

  • Next Wednesday (11/04/09) - after school from 2:10pm - 3pm
Students to re-take the test for full credit.  Students MUST complete the test corrections if they want to do the re-take.  I want to avoid students re-taking the test and getting the exact same questions wrong a second time.  Students must take the full test.
6th Grade HW
Mon. (10/26): Pg. 138 #11-20
Tue. (10/27): Pg. 138 # 30-34
Wed (10/28): Pg. 144 # 25 - 32
Thu. (10/29)
: Quiz 8 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/30): No HW (Quiz 8 today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (10/26): Fraction Multiplication Worksheet
Tue. (10/27): Distributive Property Worksheet
Wed (10/28): Multi-Step Equations Worksheet
Thu. (10/29)
: Quiz 7 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/30): No HW (Quiz 7 today)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week of 10/19/09 - Unit 2 Test Results

On Friday, we each took a Unit 2 Test. Our goal was for each student to demonstrate at least 80% mastery. Since there were 25 questions, that means you had to get at least 20 correct. Congratulations to all students who met our Big Goal and demonstrated mastery of Unit 2!

There were several students who had outstanding performance.

Grant Cooperman, Melissa Murphy, Noah Pierce and Leonardo Robles Gonzalez answered 25 out of 25 questions correctly!

Brendan Nguyen, Samrawet Samuel, and Jalen Fleming answered 24 out of 25 questions correctly!

In addition to the students mentioned already, the following students met our goal of 80% mastery:
Chris Umbenhower, Ryan Niederer, Taylor Rocklage, Francisco Zepeda, Chris Brown, Lindsay Cutler, Nick Escobedo, Araceli Esquivel, Andrew Gonzales, Daniel Moses, Jose Ruelas, Jaclyn Sealy, Colton Sterkel, Jere Willis, Jenna Bess, Byron Campbell, Kathy Chavez Alvarez, Josh Herndon, Riley Mornhinweg, Selena Polanco, and Alex Ruffo.

Great work, everyone!!

Below are class results of the Unit 2 Test.

Average (Raw)
Average %
Students Above 80%
Total Students

Test Corrections (2 opportunities):
  • Next Monday (10/26/09) - after school from 2:10pm - 3pm
  • Next Tuesday (10/27/09) - during lunch
Students can come get help from me to correct the missed questions on the test.  Students will be able to earn half credit points back for the questions that they correct.  Students only have to correct the ones they got wrong.

Test Re-Take (1 opportunity):
  • Next Wednesday (10/28/09) - after school from 2:10pm - 3pm
Students to re-take the test for full credit.  Students MUST complete the test corrections if they want to do the re-take.  I want to avoid students re-taking the test and getting the exact same questions wrong a second time.  Students must take the full test.

I reserve the right to dismiss students who are being disruptive during any of these make-up opportunities.

The homework assignments are as follows:

6th Grade HW
Tue. (10/20): Pg. 130 # 25-32
Wed. (10/21): Pg. 130 # 21-24, #34-38
Thu. (10/22)
: Quiz 7 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/23): No HW (Quiz today)

8th Grade HW

Tue. (10/20): Linear Equations Project Parts 1 - 4 (no graph)
Wed. (10/21): Linear Equations Project (graph and questions)
Thu. (10/22)
: Linear Equations Project Due tomorrow
Fri. (10/23): No HW (Gallery Walk of Projects today)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week of 10/12/09

Important Announcement: Unit 2 Test (for everyone) is this Friday!

6th Grade Homework is all in a packet that will be distributed on Monday.  Do not lose this packet!!  We will be starting the work in class and the student should finish it for homework.  Inside the packet is also the breakdown of the Unit 2 Test (including the number of questions from each book chapter) and practice problems for each type.  These practice problems are optional and very helpful.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (10/12): Cut, Match, Paste, Solve Worksheet
Tue. (10/13): Cryptic Quiz Worksheet 
Wed (10/14): Facing Math Worksheet
Thu. (10/15)
: Word Problem Poster
Fri. (10/16): No HW (Unit 2 Test today)

This week, 8th grade homework is a bit different as well.  Their homework is from a small red practice workbook, instead of the textbook.  All week long, we will be working on word problems and reviewing.  The 8th grade study guide will include the test breakdown of number of questions per lesson from the book as well as practice problems.  During class, we will be working on the Unit 2 Study Guide and the entire packet is due on Friday.

8th Grade HW

Mon. (10/12): WB pg. 39 # 1-6
Tue. (10/13): WB pg. 16 # 1, 2, 7
                       WB pg. 18 # 1, 10
                       WB pg. 27 # 1, 3 
Wed (10/14): WB pg. 32 #1-9 odd
Thu. (10/15)
: Unit 2 Study Guide
Fri. (10/16): No HW (Unit 2 Test today)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week of 10/5/09

Sorry for the late blog post, folks.

Thanks to all of the students who came to retake the Unit 1 Test.  Almost everybody who took the re-test improved....some as many as 10 points!  I have updated the gradebook to reflect the retest.  The number of students who came was more than I expected, so I will be making adjustments in the future.

This is benchmark week and there is a different (block) schedule.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (10/5): Pg. 96 #8-17
Tue. (10/6) or Wed (10/7): Pg. 96 #18-27
Thu. (10/8)
: Quiz 6 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/9): No HW (Quiz today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (10/5): Pg. 294 #13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 27
Tue. (10/6): Pg. 301 #1-6
Thu. (10/8)
: Quiz 6 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/9): No HW (Quiz today)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week of 9/28/09

This week marks the beginning of a new unit for everybody. Remember, intelligence is malleable. If you struggled with the last unit, it doesn't mean that you're destined to be bad at math. This is a new unit with new material and if you work hard and study starting now, you can be excellent at this new unit!

Although last Friday marked the end of the first grading period, there are still opportunities to bring your grade up for the second grading period. Everybody is eligible for the Unit 1 Test Retake/Correction this Wednesday, September 30. You have two options:

1) Test Correction - during lunch (half credit)
Come to room 504 during lunch to correct the problems you got wrong. On a sheet of binder paper, you must write the problem and show your work in order to receive half credit.

2) Retake Test - after school (full credit)
Come to room 504 directly after school to retake the test. You must show all work. This is only from 2pm - 3pm. I will take the higher of the test scores (your original or this retake).

The 6th graders had a book project that was due on September 9. Although most students turned theirs in, there are still quite a few who have not and it is adversely affecting their grade. Since the number of missing books is smaller, I will list those names here. The project instructions and rubric are available at http://www.scribd.com/doc/20291082/Book-Project (click on Download or Print in the upper left hand corner). An example is in the classroom. Please complete the project, turn it in, and as soon as I receive it, I will take your name off this list:

Missing Projects
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Lauren D.
Elexis F.
Matthew G.
Colton J.
Sara A.
John C.
Megan C.
Kenny D.
Oliver M.

Jacob P.
Kevin S.
Leyri V.

Riley M.

Nathaniel S.

The homework assignments are as follows:

6th Grade HW
Mon. (9/28): Pg. 78 # 36, 37; Pg. 79 #49-51; Pg. 84 #43-45; Pg. 85 #50
Tue. (9/29): Pg. 90 #22-29
Wed. (9/30): Pg. 90 #45-47, Pg 91 #50, 51, 54
Thu. (10/1)
: Quiz 5 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/2): No HW (Quiz today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (9/28): Pg. 260 #2, 4, 20-23
Tue. (9/29): Pg. 266 #14-17, Pg. 267 #24, 25
Wed. (9/30): Pg. 277 #20-27
Thu. (10/1)
: Quiz 5 Practice Problems
Fri. (10/2): No HW (Quiz today)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Week of 9/21/09 - Unit 1 Test Results

On Friday, we each took Unit 1 Test. Our goal was for each student to demonstrate at least 80% mastery. Since there were 25 questions, that means you had to get at least 20 correct. Congratulations to all students who met our Big Goal and demonstrated mastery of Unit 1!

There were several students who had outstanding performance.

Grant Cooperman and Leonardo Robles Gonzalez answered 25 out of 25 questions correctly!

The following students answered 24 out of 25 questions correctly:
Cayla Antonio, Byron Campbell, Jalen Fleming, Rachel Kiep, Dara Masri, Noah Pierce, and Jose Ruelas.

In addition to the students mentioned already, the following students met our goal of 80% mastery:
Luis Aguirre-Toribio, Cammy Tran, Chris Umbenhower, Sophia Conn, Ashley Dennis, Brendan Nguyen, Ryan Niederer, Andrew Sy, Brianna Carmona, Lindsay Cutler, Nick Escobedo, Araceli Esquivel, Colton Jack, Hannah Larson, Dana Lloyd, Melissa Murphy, Victoria Ramirez, Jaclyn Sealy, Andrew Soper, Gabe Yee, Jenna Bess, Dante Cerrillo, Kathy Chavez Alvarez, Sophie Coover, Brooke Deeds, Taijhza Payne, Jacob Powers, Gaby Rodriguez, Cole Scheler, Kevin Soto, Kainoah Anzalone-Pinhei, Semone Cortez, Dominique Curtis, Brandon Estergard, Quentin Gambe, RJ Garcia, Kendall McGriff, Kelsey Mirrasoul, Emily Renteria, Alex Ruffo, and Kailee Vasquez.

Great work, everyone!!

Below are class results of the Unit 1 Test.

PeriodAverage (Raw)Average %Students Above 80%Total Students
1 11.7
3 13.6
4 18.7
5 17.5
6 18.5

Reminder: I will be in training at the District Office on Monday and Tuesday (topic: English Language Learners) and will not be at school. There will be a substitute teacher who will go over the notes for each day. If you have questions about the homework, please go to the Homework Center, which is in the Library Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2pm-4pm. There will be a fantastic John Muir math teacher there at all times who can help (or at least check your answers).

The homework assignments are as follows:

6th Grade HW
Mon. (9/21): Pg. 72 # 22-25, 27, 28, 31-34
Tue. (9/22): Pg. 78 #21-24, 29, 37-41
Wed. (9/23): Pg. 78 #25-28, 30, 32, 36, 42-44
Thu. (9/24)
: Quiz 4 Practice Problems
Fri. (9/25): No HW (Quiz today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (9/21): Pg. 117 #1-4, 7-10, 30
Tue. (9/22): Pg. 174 # 5-8
Wed. (9/23): Pg. 181 #20-23, 33, 35
Thu. (9/24)
: Quiz 4 Practice Problems
Fri. (9/25): No HW (Quiz today)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week of 9/14/09

Big news for all of my students: our first unit test is this week! Can you believe that we have been in school studying hard for 4 weeks already? This Friday, you will all have an opportunity to show how much you have learned!

Now, if you are worried about preparing for the test, there are some excellent resources available.

You should have all of your quizzes back. These quizzes are great snapshots of the key objectives we have been studying. If you can answer every quiz question, you are right on track. Go back and look at the questions and see if you can remember how to do them!

Textbook Resource
Did you know that our textbook is available online? You can pick any page and see it on the website or download it! You can also watch video tutorials, lesson power points, and find extra practice problems and quizzes. Check it out at http://my.hrw.com. You will need a user name and password and those are as follows:
6th Grade User Name: 6math16
8th Grade User Name: algebra460
The password for both of these accounts is the name of our school (first name and last name) all lower case and one word.

Homework Center
If you need help with your homework or going over the quiz answers, please come to the homework center. It is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the library from 2pm - 4pm. The math teachers take turns working there so that there is ALWAYS a math teacher there. I am there on Wednesdays from 3pm - 4pm. Remember, the homework center is a place for YOU to get help. YOU have to raise your hand and ask a question. YOU have to raise your hand and ask the teacher to check your answers. Don't just wait. Don't give up! There might be a lot of students needing help, but keep your hand up and someone will help you.

Here are the homework assignments for the week.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (9/14): Pg. 42 #4-6, Pg. 45 #4-6, Pg. 49 #4-6, Pg. 52 #1-3
Tue. (9/15): Pg. 42 #8-10, Pg. 45 #7-9, Pg. 49 #8-10, Pg. 53 #10-12
Wed. (9/16): Unit 1 Study Guide
Thu. (9/17)
: Unit 1 Study Guide
Fri. (9/18): No HW (Unit 1 Test today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (9/14): Pg. 139 #22-29, 32, 33
Tue. (9/15): Pg. 145 #7-9, 13, 14; Pg. 151 #20-22, 51, 52
Wed. (9/16): Unit 1 Study Guide
Thu. (9/17)
: Unit 1 Study Guide
Fri. (9/18): No HW (Unit 1 Test today)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week of 9/8/09

Last week was a tough week! The material for both 6th and 8th graders is increasing in difficulty. Even though the quiz scores were lower, you can still improve your grade by working out the problems you got wrong and taking the quiz re-take on Friday during class.

Quiz averages:
1st period overall average: 56%
3rd period overall average: 71%
4th period overall average: 60%
5h period overall average: 76%
6th period overall average: 75%

If you need help with the quiz or homework problems, be sure to come to the homework center in the Library. It is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 2pm - 4pm. There are two teachers working there during those times, one of which is a math teacher. I am there on Wednesdays from 3pm - 4pm. Remember: the homework center is a FREE (gratis) resource staffed by excellent John Muir teachers. You can come for 5 minutes or 2 hours and there is no need to sign up.

Please look at your quizzes and make sure you understand how to do the problems. Our first unit test is one week from Friday. It will be on Friday, September 18. Our Big Goal is for every student to demonstrate at least 80% content mastery on each unit test. Let's study hard and make it happen!

Also, Back to School Night is this Wednesday night. Parents, guardians, students, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, nieces, and all friends and family are welcome. Come by to say hi and see the great student work on display.

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for: homework for the week.

6th Grade HW
Tue. (9/8): Pg. 26 #7, 8, 12-17, 21, 23
Wed. (9/9): Pg. 30 #6-15
Thu. (9/10): Quiz 3 Practice Problems Worksheet (optional: Quiz 2 Practice Problems)
Fri. (9/11): No HW (Quiz today 3 + Quiz 2 retake)

8th Grade HW

Tue. (9/8): Pg. 75 #2-5, #8-13
Wed. (9/9): Pg. 82 #14-17, 19, 27-30
Thu. (9/10): Quiz 3 Practice Problems Worksheet (optional: Quiz 2 Practice Problems)
Fri. (9/11): No HW (Quiz 3 today + Quiz 2 retake)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week of 8/31/09

Congratulations to all students for making it through the first set of grades! Last week, you submitted your math journals, your week-long warm up sheet, your homework scores, and your first quiz. There are many students who got 100% on each of these assignments! You can check your grades online on the Parent Internet Viewer (PIV) by logging on from the John Muir website. If you don't have an ID or password, just check with the office.

Each of the classes (both 8th grade Algebra and 6th grade math) was quizzed on 5 objectives. 80% is our magic target and I'd like to see each student achieve at least 80% mastery of each objective. A special shout-out goes to 6th period who earned a class average of over 80% on all of the 5 objectives!

Below are the overall scores for the quiz (full details are posted in the classroom):

1st period overall average: 65%
3rd period overall average: 64%
4th period overall average: 88%
5h period overall average: 87%
6th period overall average: 88%

Homework Reminders:
  • Homework center opens this Wednesday (9/2/09) in the library from 2:15pm - 4pm. It is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
  • You can redo homework for full credit. Just do the problems you missed and turn them in to the tray.
  • Please remember to write the question, show all work, and put a box around your answer.
Finally, here are the homework assignments for the week:

6th Grade HW

Mon. (8/31): Pg. 16 #1-7, 27-28
Tue. (9/1): Pg. 16 #11-16, 30-32
Wed. (9/2): Quiz 2 Practice Problems Worksheet *(No correct answer for #6)
Thu. (9/3): No HW (Quiz today)
Fri. (9/4): Order of Operations Book Project (due Tuesday 9/8/09)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (8/31): Pg. 397 #20-22, 26, 35, 38, 48, 49
Tue. (9/1): Pg. 397 #20-22, 26, 35, 38, 48, 49 (second chance)
Wed. (9/2): Pg. 412 #3-6, 11, 15, 23 & Pg. 419 #9-11
Thu. (9/3): Quiz 2 Practice Problems Worksheet
Fri. (9/4): No HW (Quiz today)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week of 8/24/09

Thanks for having such a fantastic first week of school! Last week we talked about our Big Goals for the school year:
  1. Every student will feel like a unique, active, and vital participant in the classroom.
  2. Every student will demonstrate at least 80% content mastery for each unit test.
  3. Every student will demonstrate at least 80% mastery on Ms. Li’s final exam.
  4. Every Algebra 1 student will pass the school district’s Algebra 1 exit exam.
Let's keep the ball rolling this week with more excellent behavior and hard work to reach our Big Goals. Also, if you don't have your materials yet, you need to have them this week. We will begin note-taking on Wednesday.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (8/24): No HW (Benchmark in class)
Tue. (8/25): Pg. 8 #6-9, 14-16, 19, 21, 25
Wed. (8/26): Pg. 12 #1-2, 5-6, 36-39, 50, 58
Thu. (8/27): Quiz 1 Practice Problems Worksheet
Fri. (8/28): Quiz today! Then enjoy your weekend!

8th Grade HW

Mon. (8/24): No HW (Benchmark in class)
Tue. (8/25): Pg. 45 #7-9, 13, 15-20
Wed. (8/26): Pg. 51 #31-34, 41, 46-50
Thu. (8/27): Quiz 1 Practice Problems Worksheet
Fri. (8/28): Quiz today! Then enjoy your weekend!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week of 8/17/09

Welcome to the blog for Ms. Li's math classes in room 504. This will be a place for parents to see the topics we covered in class, for students to check their homework assignments, and for everyone to find out the latest news.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (8/17): Syllabus Signature
Tue. (8/18): Student Interest Survey; Bring Math Journal tomorrow
Wed. (8/19): Goals Essay (in Math Journal)
Thu. (8/20): How to Behave for a Substitute Essay (on binder paper); Behavior Quiz tomorrow!
Fri. (8/21): Enjoy your weekend; Get your materials!

8th Grade HW

Mon. (8/17): Syllabus Signature
Tue. (8/18): Student Interest Survey; Bring Math Journal tomorrow
Wed. (8/19): Goals Essay (in Math Journal)
Thu. (8/20): How to Behave for a Substitute Essay (on binder paper); Behavior Quiz tomorrow!
Fri. (8/21): Enjoy your weekend; Get your materials!