About 6th Accelerated

This course will focus on math skills, problem solving and the conceptual understanding of mathematics based on the Common Core State Standards for sixth and seventh grade.  This will be a fun and challenging year full of new experiences based upon previous math knowledge.  Students should be prepared for Algebra 1 the following year.

You can download the printer-friendly pdf version here.
All course documents can be downloaded from this folder: https://sjusd.box.com/s/4da00xgz3wfsxk92o874

Students will:
  • Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems involving proportional relationships.
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
  • Multiply and divide multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.
  • Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
  • Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, volume, and angle measure.
  • Develop understanding of statistical variability and probability.
  • Summarize and describe distributions.

TEXTBOOK:  Course 2: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c. 2008

  •  1 Math Journal - Quadrille (graph paper) notebook for daily notes
  •  1 Folder or section in a 3 ring binder (for worksheets and other handouts)
  •  Graph paper & binder paper for practice
  •  Pencils (at least one regular is preferred)
  • 1 Dry Erase Marker

This course has two main categories: Assessments at 60% and Practice/Participation at 40%.

Assessments reflect content mastery and include assignments such as tests, quizzes, and some projects.  Any time that students are evaluated for the accuracy and thoroughness of understanding content, it will go in this category.

Practice/Participation reflects effort made on behalf of the student and includes assignments such as class work, note-taking, projects, and “homework.”  Independent practice will be assigned and students will have opportunities in class to complete (or at least begin) the assignment.  Anything not completed will be considered homework to be due at a later date (may be due a few days after it is assigned).

Unit 1: Operations with Rational Numbers 
Unit 2: Pictorial Division
Unit 3: Ratios, Rates, and Proportional Relationships
Unit 4: Percent Relationships
Unit 5: Algebraic Reasoning
Unit 6: Area, Surface Area, Volume, and Angle Measure
Unit 7: Introduction to Statistics
Unit 8: Probability

BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to follow all school rules.

Achieving Goals
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Come on time, prepared,
and ready to work.
Listen, follow directions, 
and participate.
Speak with positive language.
Be respectful of school, classroom, and personal property.

Have materials ready and homework completed before tardy bell.
Keep our room clean—no food, drinks, or gum.
Stay in your seat.

Work quietly and raise your hand when necessary.

Be honest, polite, and work cooperatively with others.

1st Offense:  Warning
            2nd Offense: Reflection
            3rd Offense:  Responsibility Center Referral

RC may be assigned without any warnings if the situation warrants such immediate action.

Tardy Policy: “On time” means in your assigned seat, with all materials out, and working quietly on the warm up.  Multiple tardies will result in consequences as outline in the John Muir Discipline Plan.
Academic Honesty Policy: 
It is expected that students will use genuine, sincere, and fair means for the accomplishment of tests, quizzes, homework, class work and projects from which evaluations of progress shall be determined. Students found cheating, copying, or plagiarizing in any way will receive automatic zeros and have phone calls made to their parents.