Sunday, April 29, 2012

CST Week

CST Announcements
This week is CST Week!  Students will be released at 12:42pm every day.  Students will go to all class periods on Monday and then from Tuesday to Friday, I will see each class (except 1st period) one more time.  I will see 1st period every day this week.  Students will take the 6th Grade Math Part 1 on Tuesday in the first testing block, the Math Part 2 on Wednesday, Language Arts Part 1 on Thursday, and Language Arts Part 2 on Friday.  There are two testing blocks each day, but the 6th grade students only test in the first testing block; the second testing block is up to the discretion of their 4th period teacher.

Plan For This Week
Monday - Grade homework & ask any final questions.
Rest of the Week - Since I'll see each class once for a short period of time in the middle of CST testing week, we'll play a game called the Four Nines.  Each class period will try to use order of operations and four nines to create each number from 1 - 100.  The class period that comes up with the most numbers from 1 - 100 will receive a popsicle party!

For example:
1 = (9 + 9) ÷ (9 + 9)
2 = (9 ÷ 9) + (9 ÷ 9)
99 = 99 * (9 ÷ 9)
100 = 99 + (9 ÷ 9)

First Period
Since I will see 1st period every day this week before their testing block, here is our plan for the week:
Tuesday - Four Nines
Wednesday - Math Olympics
Thursday - Sustained Silent Reading (bring a book to read)
Friday - Writing & Sharing Mad Libs stories

There is no math homework this week.

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