Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 5 - First Unit Test

Unit Test #1: Integers & Rational Numbers
Our first unit test will take place on Thursday, September 15.  The test will cover everything that we learned from the first day of school through Monday, September 12.  On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will be reviewing for the test.  The big goal is for each student to demonstrate at least 90% mastery of this unit.

Math Journal Check #1: Integers & Rational Numbers
While students are taking their test on Thursday, I will be checking their math journals.  This check is to ensure that students are taking their notes properly.  I will be awarding points for the following attributes:

  • Name and Period written on the Table of Contents
  • Table of Contents contains all topics and page numbers that correspond with the notes in the journal.
  • Pages folded in the corner with the page number written on it.
  • Completeness of written notes.
The rubric can be found here.  Remember that math journal checks are worth 10% of the overall grade.

New Seats
I change seats at the end of each unit.  Students will receive new seats on Friday.

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be covering the final topic of one-step equations with rational numbers before reviewing for the test.  We have already practiced adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rationals as well as one-step equations with integers, so this final lesson combines skills the students have seen already.  

Homework for the week is as follows:
Monday (9/12): WB 2-7 #4, 7, 11, 13
Tuesday (9/13): Unit 1 Practice Test #1-10
Wednesday (9/14): Unit 1 Practice Test #11-25
Thursday (9/15): No HW (Unit 1 Test today)
Friday (9/16): Problem of the Week #4

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