Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 7 - Properties

As you know, Friday was the last day of the grading period.  Since many students had a bit of a wake-up call from the grade check that I sent home the week before, I received a great deal of make up work and quiz re-dos to grade.  Thank you for your patience as I tried to get those done as quickly as possible, while still doing my regular workload of preparing lessons.  The window for teachers to upload grades ends on Tuesday, so all of the work I have received by Friday will make it into the first progress report.

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be studying the different properties of math (associative, commutative, distributive, and identities).  Additionally, we will be preparing for multi-step equations by introducing the concept of combining like terms (3x - 10 - 5x + 7 = -2x - 3).

Homework for the week is as follows:
Monday (9/25): TB Pg. 118 #30-33
Wednesday (9/27): WB 3-2 #1, 2, 11, 12, 15
Friday (9/29): Problem of the Week #6

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 6 - End of Grading Period

Unit Test Results
Last Thursday, students took their first unit test.  The results are in Infinite Campus and students have received both their answer documents and test booklets back with the correct answers.

Below are some brief statistics by class period.

# Students 
>= 90%
# Total 

Students can earn half credit points back if they complete their test corrections, which we started in class on Friday.  Below are the directions:

  • Test corrections must be completed on binder paper.
  • The original question must be copied onto the binder paper.
  • Work for each step must be shown.
  • The correct answer must be boxed.
  • Test corrections must be turned in to the Work Submission tray in the correct period.

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be beginning the Equations and Inequalities Unit.  In the first unit, we learned about one-step equations.  In this unit, we will be doing two-step and multi-step equations and inequalities and graphing the solutions on a number line. 

Homework for the week is as follows:
Tuesday (9/20): WB 1-9 #1, 2, 14, 15
Wednesday (9/21): TB Pg. 46 #23, 24, 35, 37
Friday (9/23): Problem of the Week #5

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 5 - First Unit Test

Unit Test #1: Integers & Rational Numbers
Our first unit test will take place on Thursday, September 15.  The test will cover everything that we learned from the first day of school through Monday, September 12.  On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will be reviewing for the test.  The big goal is for each student to demonstrate at least 90% mastery of this unit.

Math Journal Check #1: Integers & Rational Numbers
While students are taking their test on Thursday, I will be checking their math journals.  This check is to ensure that students are taking their notes properly.  I will be awarding points for the following attributes:

  • Name and Period written on the Table of Contents
  • Table of Contents contains all topics and page numbers that correspond with the notes in the journal.
  • Pages folded in the corner with the page number written on it.
  • Completeness of written notes.
The rubric can be found here.  Remember that math journal checks are worth 10% of the overall grade.

New Seats
I change seats at the end of each unit.  Students will receive new seats on Friday.

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be covering the final topic of one-step equations with rational numbers before reviewing for the test.  We have already practiced adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rationals as well as one-step equations with integers, so this final lesson combines skills the students have seen already.  

Homework for the week is as follows:
Monday (9/12): WB 2-7 #4, 7, 11, 13
Tuesday (9/13): Unit 1 Practice Test #1-10
Wednesday (9/14): Unit 1 Practice Test #11-25
Thursday (9/15): No HW (Unit 1 Test today)
Friday (9/16): Problem of the Week #4

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 4 - Short Week

Labor Day
Happy Labor Day!  Hope you enjoy your day off.

Substitute on Tuesday
On Tuesday, I will be at the Santa Clara County of Education attending a math training.  This is the first of 5 mandatory training days that I will attend.  The substitute teacher, Mr. Kauffman, is a John Muir alum.  The worksheet that he will give out requires colors (colored pencils, crayons, or markers).  Please make sure to bring your colors on Tuesday.  This worksheet will be due on Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be covering the topics of adding and subtracting rational numbers.  This includes decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators.  While this topic is something the students have seen previously, the Pre-Algebra twist is that the decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers are now positive and negative.  On Tuesday, students will be practicing the requisite review skills of adding and subtracting integers and adding and subtracting positive decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers of like and unlike denominators.  When I return on Wednesday and Thursday, we will put those skills together to add and subtract positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers.  Friday is our final quiz for this unit.  Our first unit test will be next Thursday, September 15.

Homework for the week is as follows:
Monday (9/5): No School
Tuesday (9/6): Facing Math Worksheet (face + scratch paper)
Wednesday (9/7): WB 2-6 #11, 12, 21, 23
Friday (9/9): Problem of the Week #3