Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 11 - New Grading Period

Substitute on Tuesday
This Tuesday, November 2, there is a mandatory textbook training for 6th grade and Pre-Algebra at the District Office.  I will not be on campus and there will be a substitute teacher.  This is the third of a 5 day series.  Students will be working on a worksheet during class.  Homework assigned on Monday will be due on Wednesday.  I expect all students to respect the teacher and work quietly.  The substitute teacher will be Mrs. Carol Myers, a former math teacher.

Friday was the end of the second grading period. All regular assignments have been graded and entered into the gradebook, but I received quite a bit of re-work on Friday and will do my best to get it all in the gradebook by Monday evening as the upload occurs on Tuesday morning.

6th Grade Announcements & Homework
Last week, we simplified fractions and multiplied and divided fractions. This week, we will be learning how to find the least common multiple of two or more numbers in order to set us up to be able to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. The quiz this week will cover material from last week and this week, since there was no quiz last week. Warning: it is a difficult quiz. I would recommend going to homework center or math lab to rework homework, if students don't get 100%.  Homework for the week is as follows:

Monday (11/1)WB 3-3 #4-12, 24
Tuesday (11/2): W.S. Multiplying Fractions, W.S. Dividing Fractions
Wednesday (11/3): WB 4-2#7-14
Thursday (11/4): Quiz 7 Practice Problems
Friday (11/5): No HW (Quiz today)

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week we are beginning a new unit on ratios, rates, proportions, and percents. We will begin by writing ratios in three different ways (e.g. 2/3, 2 to 3, 2:3), unit rates (e.g. $3 for 5 pencils, how much is does 1 pencil cost?), and writing and solving proportions. Homework for the week is as follows:

Monday (11/1)WB Pg. 35 #2-20 even
Tuesday (11/2): Review Worksheet
Wednesday (11/3): WB Pg. 36 odd problems
Thursday (11/4): WB Pg. 37 even problems
Friday (11/5): No HW (Quiz today)

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