Sunday, August 15, 2010

Welcome, everyone!

Welcome to the official website of Ms. Li's Room 504 Mathletes!  I am very excited to teach 6th grade math and Pre-Algebra this year.

I want to make sure that people that support my students (parents, older siblings, guardians, etc.) are kept up to date and have a place to see archived information regarding the classes.  On this website, I will be posting announcements, the topics being covered in class for the week, as well as homework for the week.  This year, I'm also trying something new: dropbox.  I'm planning to post worksheets and other important documents online so that you can have access to it to reprint if something gets lost.

Other important websites to bookmark:

John Muir School Website -
This website has school-wide announcements and information

Parent Internet Viewer -
This website allows you to check grades for each class, missing assignments, tardies, and absences.  You will need a user name and password, which should be distributed in the next two weeks.  If you lose that information, you can request it by coming to the Main Office at school.

Textbook Website:
This website has all of the textbook and workbook pages available as pdf downloads.  There are also extra quizzes and other helpful tools.  You need a username and password.  

6th Grade Username: 6math16
Pre-Algebra Username: prealgebra79
Password (for both): johnmuir

Textbooks (TB) and workbooks (WB) will be distributed this week.  Homework will be assigned from these two sources.  

Below is my current schedule for the 2010-2011 school year:

1st period: 6th Grade Math
2nd period: 6th Grade Math
3rd period: Pre-Algebra
4th period: Pre-Algebra (7th grade)
5th period: Prep
6th period: 6th Grade Math

Thank you to all of the 6th graders who attended the Summer Bridges program and took the math placement test.  There are still about 25 students who need to take the test and may need to change math classes following the results of the test.  If your child scored Advanced on the 5th grade math CST and you feel like they should be in the advanced 6th grade math section, please contact our Assistant Principal of Instruction Jen Long Bauer by calling (408) 535-2681 x263 to add them to the list of 6th graders who will be taking the placement test on Wednesday (8/18/10).

For the 6th graders in my Pre-Algebra section (period 3), please ignore the announcements I make to 6th Grade Math and reference the Pre-Algebra notes instead.

6th Grade Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be going over necessary materials, classroom procedures, classroom expectations, and setting our goals for the year.  We will also be learning the divisibility rules, which help us determine whether or not a number is divisible by 2, 5, and 10.

Homework for the week is as follows:
Monday (8/16): Syllabus Signature
Tuesday (8/17): Student Interest Survey
Wednesday (8/18): Big Goals, WB 1-7 #1-23 odd
Thursday (8/19): Quiz 0 Practice Problems
Friday (8/20): No HW (Quiz 0 today)

There will be assemblies during class on Friday, so those classes attending the assembly during math class will have a take-home quiz instead, which will be due on Monday.

Pre-Algebra Announcements & Homework
This week, we will be going over necessary materials, classroom procedures, classroom expectations, and setting our goals for the year.  We will also be reviewing how to evaluate expressions and exponents, write and translate algebraic expressions, and practice integer operations and absolute value.

Homework for the week is as follows:
Monday (8/16): Syllabus Signature
Tuesday (8/17)Student Interest Survey
Wednesday (8/18): WB Pg. 2 #1-13 odd
Thursday (8/19): Translating Expressions Worksheet #1-12

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