Monday, November 23, 2009

Week of 11/23/09

Thanksgiving is almost here!  I know that I am very thankful for all of my hard-working and kind students this year.

As you are buying groceries, please consider enrolling in the Box Tops for education program.  There are certain products that contribute funding to our school if we cut off the box tops.  By submitting these box tops, our school can earn thousands of dollars.  Especially in this time of budget cuts, every little bit can help.  Please consider purchasing the follow products and sending your child to school with the box tops.

This week, we will be working on a short 2-day project in each class.  6th graders will be working on an adding/subtracting fractions project while the Algebra students will be solving systems of equations.

Wednesday is a minimum day, meaning that school ends at 12:30 (no lunch served).  We will be having assemblies, so some classes may be going to an assembly instead of class.  I will not be here on Wednesday, but I will be leaving a Thanksgiving-themed graphing worksheet.

Homework for the week is below:

6th Grade HW
Mon. (11/23): Fractions Project
Tue. (11/24): Project due today
Wed (11/25):  Count your blessings
Thu. (11/26)
: Happy Thanksgiving (no HW)
Fri. (11/27): National Day of Listening (not for a grade, just a suggestion)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (11/23): Word Problems Project
Tue. (11/24): Project due today
Wed (11/25):  Count your blessings
Thu. (11/26)
: Happy Thanksgiving (no HW)
Fri. (11/27): National Day of Listening (not for a grade, just a suggestion)

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