Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week of 9/14/09

Big news for all of my students: our first unit test is this week! Can you believe that we have been in school studying hard for 4 weeks already? This Friday, you will all have an opportunity to show how much you have learned!

Now, if you are worried about preparing for the test, there are some excellent resources available.

You should have all of your quizzes back. These quizzes are great snapshots of the key objectives we have been studying. If you can answer every quiz question, you are right on track. Go back and look at the questions and see if you can remember how to do them!

Textbook Resource
Did you know that our textbook is available online? You can pick any page and see it on the website or download it! You can also watch video tutorials, lesson power points, and find extra practice problems and quizzes. Check it out at You will need a user name and password and those are as follows:
6th Grade User Name: 6math16
8th Grade User Name: algebra460
The password for both of these accounts is the name of our school (first name and last name) all lower case and one word.

Homework Center
If you need help with your homework or going over the quiz answers, please come to the homework center. It is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the library from 2pm - 4pm. The math teachers take turns working there so that there is ALWAYS a math teacher there. I am there on Wednesdays from 3pm - 4pm. Remember, the homework center is a place for YOU to get help. YOU have to raise your hand and ask a question. YOU have to raise your hand and ask the teacher to check your answers. Don't just wait. Don't give up! There might be a lot of students needing help, but keep your hand up and someone will help you.

Here are the homework assignments for the week.

6th Grade HW
Mon. (9/14): Pg. 42 #4-6, Pg. 45 #4-6, Pg. 49 #4-6, Pg. 52 #1-3
Tue. (9/15): Pg. 42 #8-10, Pg. 45 #7-9, Pg. 49 #8-10, Pg. 53 #10-12
Wed. (9/16): Unit 1 Study Guide
Thu. (9/17)
: Unit 1 Study Guide
Fri. (9/18): No HW (Unit 1 Test today)

8th Grade HW

Mon. (9/14): Pg. 139 #22-29, 32, 33
Tue. (9/15): Pg. 145 #7-9, 13, 14; Pg. 151 #20-22, 51, 52
Wed. (9/16): Unit 1 Study Guide
Thu. (9/17)
: Unit 1 Study Guide
Fri. (9/18): No HW (Unit 1 Test today)

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