Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week 18

Last week before break means finals unit tests for all!  This week, the 7th graders will be taking their Unit 3 Test on Wednesday.  The 6th graders will take their Unit 4 Test on Thursday.  I have a VERY ambitious goal of having all of the tests graded by Friday, so that students can know before going on break.  We will see...

6th Accelerated (
This week, we will wrap up our study of percents.  Students will be doing more practice exercises in class on Monday and Tuesday.  On Wednesday, they will take a Practice Test and receive feedback before the end of class.  They will take the Percents Unit Test on Thursday (it's very short).  A study guide will be distributed on Tuesday in class and on box.

7th Grade (
The 7th graders did a really fantastic job on their projects and presentations last week.  The students worked very hard to put together their slides and were great audience members giving both positive and constructive feedback.  You can watch the videos below.  We will be reviewing on Monday and Tuesday everything they need in order to be prepared for the Unit 3 Test on Wednesday (the study guide and practice test are already in box).

Period 1 (videos 101 - 109)
  1. Dakota, Jazmin, Elysia, Janisty
  2. Ian, Josh, Elena, Jesus
  3. Demetrio, Angel, Anissa, Joseph
  4. Nate, Richard, Jair
  5. Diego
  6. Ayn
  7. Xoe, Yas
  8. Julian, Cameron, Melvin, Johann
  9. Amy, Cheyenne, Nayele, Erika

Period 4 (videos 401 - 413)
  1. Rubi, Michelle, Joyce, Chelsea
  2. Dominick, Jordan, Kenan, Richard G.
  3. Christian
  4. Jackie, Rachel
  5. Michael
  6. George, Richy
  7. Richard A., Alfonso
  8. James, Jose, Adam, Daniel
  9. Frances
  10. Jaylene, Shay, Kimberly
  11. Jake
  12. Maddie, Dani, Virginia
  13. Zach, Juan
Period 5 (videos 501 - 512)
  1. Lauren, Dulce
  2. Natalie
  3. Nicole
  4. Isaac, Joey
  5. Cassy, Malia, Lily, Adriyanna
  6. Kaylee, Jacob, Karen, Jackie
  7. Norlando, Homer, AJ, Keven
  8. Reese, Alex
  9. Elena-Grace
  10. Hugo, Michael, Giovanni
  11. Angel, Nathan, Ednovi, Jayden
  12. Daniel

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 17

6th Accelerated (
Last Thursday, the students took their Unit 3 Test.  Overall, the results were pretty solid with most students earning a 4 (At Grade Level) or 5 (Above Grade Level) on the rubric for each of the three sections.  I've included the rubric that the grade that it translates to for the gradebook below.  We went over each of the questions on Friday and in small groups and then as a class "graded" a sample of questions.  Students will receive their individual scores on Monday.  Again (as with all unit tests), students and parents are welcome to come to school between 7:30am - 7:55am or after school on Mondays from 2:42pm - 3:30pm or by appointment to see the tests.

In the next two weeks, we will be completing a unit on percents.  We'll be studying this week the meaning of percents and how they relate to fractions and decimals as well as calculating percents in real world situations such as sales tax, tip, discounts, mark ups/mark downs, commission, and more.  It's a short unit and the test is scheduled for Thursday, December 18.

7th Grade (
This week, students will be completing their projects on Rates, Equations, and Graphs.  Last week, each student (with their group, if applicable) had worked on their rough draft and received teacher approval for completed sections.  As soon as each group is checked off for Parts 1 - 7 of the rough draft, they can check out materials to complete their poster, keynote presentation, or google presentation.  The project will be due on Thursday, December 11.  The rubric and sample presentation are available on the box.

Graph Template - Choose this to help you make your graph for the presentation.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 12

Math Center
The topic for Math Center this week is Subtracting Integers.  It will be held in room 802 from 3pm - 4pm on Monday and Wednesday.

Office Hours Change (this week only)
There are some personnel changes in the math department, so we are having to change around some responsibilities.  Because of this, my office hours this week will be on Thursday after school.  I know that the 7th graders have a Unit Test on Thursday, so I will also be available during lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

6th Accelerated (
Last week, the students took their second unit test.  To give more transparency regarding their performance, I've entered their grade a little differently than compared to the first test.  Instead of seeing one cumulative score, I've entered three separate scores.  This is because the second unit breaks down into three major topics: (1) the meaning and calculation of GCG and LCM, (2) decimal operations, and (3) dividing fractions with pictures and the algorithm.  In this way, everyone can see through the gradebook which parts of the test the student excelled in and which parts still need attention.  Similarly from the Unit 1 Test, we will review the test during class on Monday, but the documents must remain in the classroom.  Everyone (parents & students) are welcome to come before school from 7:30am - 7:55am to see the test again or during my office hours, or by appointment.  We will begin our third unit on Tuesday (Ratios, Rates, and Proportions), which should take us through the end of the month.  Our fourth unit will be on Percents and will be the end of the first semester.

7th Grade (
This week, we will be preparing for our second unit test.  Students will receive a study guide on Monday and a Practice Test on Tuesday.  Wednesday will be our final day of review before the test on Thursday.  I will be available during lunch Monday - Wednesday this week and I invite students to come with questions to class or during these extra office hours.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 11

Math Center
Monday's and Wednesday's Math Center topic is Multiplying Decimals.  It will be located as usual in Room 802 from 3pm - 4pm.

Math Contest
John Muir Middle School will be participating in the American Mathematics Contest (AMC 8).  It will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 from 3pm - 4pm in the Cafeteria.  There are only 50 spots for the entire school, so it will be first come first served (students must return a signed permission slip to Mrs. Tamura).  The AMC 8 is a 20 question, multiple choice test.  There is no penalty for guessing and is open to all middle school students (no question will require Algebra nor Geometry).

6th Accelerated (
This week, we will be preparing for the second unit test.  Students will receive a study guide and a practice test.  The second unit test will be administered on Thursday, October 30.

7th Grade (
This week, we will further our understanding of solving equations and inequalities by looking at real world situations and writing equations and inequalities that represent the situation.  We will take our second unit test on Thursday, November 6.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 10

Math Survey

Math Department Goal
This year, one of the our department's overarching goals is to conform student mindsets about math.  As teachers, we believe that "intelligence" is malleable and that success in math is not fixed (so we are not born or naturally good at math).  The mindset that we are trying to convince students to discard is that they are either "good at math" or "bad at math" and instead embrace the idea that "I am good at match because I work hard" and "I can get better at math."  These ideas are important for all students because for those who believe that they are good at math because they born that way, the day will come (and it may be in Algebra 1, or Trigonometry, or Calculus) when math becomes difficult and if students believe that they used to be good at math because they were born that way without hard work, then when they face a challenge, they will give up.  For students who see themselves right now as "bad at math because they are born this way," there is no hope that things can get better.  We want to equip all of our students with the attitudes that will set them up for success.

This idea is the whole reason for our simplified in grading categories (Assessments + Effort) and why we allow students to retake assessments.  The message we are broadcasting is that maybe you didn't understand a concept at the time of the original quiz, but it's never too late to master it because WE BELIEVE YOU CAN.  We also want to reward students for making an effort, so all classwork/homework/warm ups etc. are graded only by completion.

You as parents can help us change the minds and attitudes of our students.  Below are some helpful things that you can use to encourage your child:

  • "Great job!  I can tell your studying paid off!"
  • "Amateurs practice until they get it right.  Professionals practice until they never get it wrong.  By practicing, you are becoming a professional student!"
  • "It looks like you did well on Topic X, but not on Topic Y.  Why don't you talk to Mrs. Tamura about getting better at Topic Y?  I know that you can do it."
  • "I wasn't always good at Skill A.  But I got here because I work hard and spent many hours honing that skill."
Please avoid remarks like the following:

  • "I was never good at math," or "I don't like math, either."
  • "Math is not your strong suit."
We'll be monitoring how students feel about math 3 times during the school year (this week, in January, and in May) to see how they perceive themselves and compare that with their grades/assessment scores.

Math Center
This week's Math Center topic on Monday and Wednesday is simplifying fractions.  There will be a special Math Center on Thursday on the 8th Grade topic of Rate of Change (a.k.a. slope).  Math Center is in room 802 from 3pm-4pm and all students are welcome to attend.

6th Accelerated (
This week, we will continue our study comparing Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple while spiraling review of fraction division with both pictures and the algorithm.  We will also begin our study of dividing decimals (specifically why moving the decimal allows us to still get the same answer).

7th Grade (
This week, we will be using manipulatives to solve equations and inequalities.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 9

Math Center - This week the Math Center will be focusing on the topic of subtracting integers.  All students are welcome.  Because of the large response, we are holding two workshops on subtracting integers this week: Monday and Wednesday after school.  You can choose which day is more convenient.  Unless otherwise posted, both workshops will be held in Room 802 from 3pm - 4pm.  My students will receive 5 points of extra credit if they attend.

6th Accelerated (
This week, we will be investigating how the pictures for dividing fractions explain why the algorithm for dividing fractions work.  Students will be expected to be able to draw pictures to divide fractions, use the algorithm to divide fractions, and explain how the two are related.  We will also begin to see the mechanics and purposes of the Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor.

7th Grade (
This week, we will continue our study of equivalent expressions (combining like terms and distributive property expressions that include negative constants/coefficients).  Additionally, we will look at taking real world situations and using equations to model and solve them.  There will be a quiz on Friday and their Equivalent Expressions project (which they may do in partners or groups of up to 4) will also be due on Friday.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 8

6th Accelerated (

Project Presentations: Great job on the the project presentations last week.  I was able to video tape some of the presentations and they are posted below.  In some videos you can't hear the presenters because they spoke softly and didn't have a video microphone.  The password for each video is johnmuir.  I'm limited on the weekly upload bandwidth, so the final two videos will be available on Friday 10/10.

Joshua, James, Oswaldo
Erisela, Unaza, Olivia, Claire
Landon, Alondra, Julia
KC, Jonathan, Nathan, Ben P.
Allison, Jasleen
Maya, Valeria (no video available)
Julio, Alvaro (no video available)
Chris, Christian, Minhtri, Cortez (no video available)
Aria, Ryan, Tanner, Riley (no video available)
Raeven, Justin, Jasper
Mahalet, Lauren, Steven, Adrian
Noel, Angel, Ethan
Danielle, Kaelynn
Zach, Damen, Nathan, Connor
Sasha, Odette, Mekiah
Tyler, Ben T, Sean, Nolan (coming on Friday 10/10)
Kelani, Ella, Zoe, Alyssa (coming on Friday 10/10)

Unit 1 Test Results: The results are in the gradebook.  Students were able to see their tests along with examples of Level 5 responses for each question.  These tests are intellectual property of the school district and will be used for future iterations of unit tests.  Therefore, they do not leave the classroom.  Students and parents may see the tests in the classroom either before school (7:30am - 8:00am), during lunch (12:08pm - 12:38pm) or after school (2:42pm - 3:30pm Mondays or by appointment on Thursdays and Fridays).  Since I write a Version A and Version B for each quiz, students who earn less than 80% on a quiz may re-take that quiz and replace it with a higher score.  However, there is no second version of the Unit 1 Test at this time, so there is not an opportunity to re-take the test for a higher grade.

This week, we begin our study of Pictorial Division.  Students will be using mathematics to model real world situations and use pictures to represent division of whole numbers, mixed numbers, and fractions.  These pictures will explain why the algorithm of multiply by the reciprocal works.  Indeed, students will need to multiply the reciprocal as well as draw diagrams to model division.

7th Grade (

Unit 1 Test Results:  Since this is the first district assessment of the year, 7th grade teachers from all SJUSD middle schools will be meeting at the District Office in October 14 to grade the tests together and calibrate, so that all assessments no matter which site will be graded in the same way.  Students should expect to see the results on Infinite Campus and in class no later than Friday, October 17.

We are beginning our next unit of Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities.  Students should have some familiarity with the vocabulary (variables, constants, and coefficients) from 6th grade, but the problems and situations are more complex.  We will begin this week by writing expressions and follow it with combining like terms and the distributive property of negative terms.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 7

This is the last push before the first break.  Keep up the good work, everyone!

I will be working at the District Office on Wednesday 9/24 with other 6th grade teachers in the district grading the first unit test (the district wants all teachers of the same course to grade together, so that we can calibrate and ensure that assessments are being graded consistently).  I dislike being out of the classroom, but this is an important (and mandatory) absence.  The substitute teacher will be Mr. Ayala, a former Muir teacher of nearly 40 years whom I trust will be an excellent teacher in my absence.

6th Accelerated (
As I will be grading the Unit 1 Tests on Wednesday 9/24, students will receive their scores when I return.

Since we had some technology issues on Friday, I have given everyone an extension: Presentation Materials will be due at the end of the day on Monday 9/22.  I have reserved the laptop cart for Monday.  Presentations will occur on Tuesday 9/23.

Our next unit will be on pictorial division.  This is a brand new topic, so your children might be coming home showing you something different from what you have learned in the past.  The common core standard for this topic is as follows:

Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. 

While we all grew up dividing fractions by multiplying the reciprocal (and students definitely need to know how to do this fluently), the standard states that students must be able also to use visual fraction models.  Students need both.  They can use the algorithm to check their answer (and I recommend this).  But the visual model explains why the algorithm works.

If you want some help or extra videos (each one is about 5 minutes long) for yourself or your child, here is what I recommend (it's free to watch, but now you have to register an account):
Interpreting Remainders When Dividing
Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers
Dividing Mixed Numbers by Fractions
Dividing Fractions by Fractions

7th Grade (
This week, we will be preparing for our first unit test, which is on Thursday, September 25.  Students will receive a Study Guide and Review on Monday and Practice Test on Wednesday.  If they want a head start, they can download and print their own from the Box.  Since I will be out on Wednesday, I would recommend students to come to Office Hours on Monday 9/22 after school in my room for a special review session.  I am also available during lunch on Monday and Tuesday.  We will begin our second unit (Equations, Expressions, and Inequalities) after the October break.  The Unit 1 Tests will be graded on October 14 after the break, so students will receive their results afterwards.

Below are the skills from Unit 1 with the corresponding practice WS and answer keys.

  1. Add Integers (Sum It Up | Answers)
  2. Subtract Integers (What Should You Do When you Can't Sleep | Answers)
  3. Add/Subtract Positive Decimals (Decimal List Addition and Subtraction | Answers)
  4. Add Positive/Negative Decimals (Hidden Message | Answers)
  5. Subtract Positive/Negative Decimals (Subtracting Rational Numbers | Answers)
  6. Multiply/Divide Integers (Multiplying and Dividing Integers | Answers)
  7. Multiply Decimals (Multiplying and Dividing Decimals | Answers)
  8. Divide Decimals (Multiplying and Dividing Decimals | Answers)
  9. Multiply Fractions (Multiplying and Dividing Fractions | Answers)
  10. Divide Fractions (Multiplying and Dividing Fractions | Answers)
  11. Divide Integers with a Remainder (Division Fraction Answer Practice | Answers)
  12. Integer Gard Game (Unit 1 Review page 4 | Answers)
  13. Number Line Reasoning (Unit 1 Review page 1 | Answers)
  14. Unit 1 Study Guide | Answers

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week 6

Math Center
Monday, September 15 is our first Math Center.  This is open to all students of all grade levels.  Invitations to select students went home on Friday and students who return the signed permission slip will earn a Muir Dollar.  Everyone who attends will receive 5 Extra Credit Points.  Monday's topic is adding and subtracting positive decimals.  It will be held in Room 802 from 3pm - 4pm and will be taught by Mrs. Tamura and Mrs. Maciel.  Hope to see you there!

Grading Period 1
This week marks the end of the first grading period.  Remember to turn in all assignments no later than Friday for it to count on the Progress Report.  Also, this Progress Report is simply an official courtesy: only semester grades are final and considered for GPA calculations and awards.  The Progress Report is to help parents and students have a snapshot checkpoint of grades at a point in time.  You can always see the most current grades on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

6th Accelerated (
This week, there are 3 big ticket items: a project, preparing for the the first unit test, and taking the first unit test.  On Monday, students will be given the project description (checkpoints due throughout the week and final submissions and presentations due on Monday, September 22), a Unit 1 Study Guide, a Unit 1 Practice Test, and an individual checklist of Unit 1 skills and whether or not the student has mastered it (data taken from performance on past assessments; maybe the skill was not mastered at the time of the assessment, but has now!).  Students will have Monday - Thursday in class to decide how they will use their time: working on the project or preparing for the test.  I will be available to help everyone as they work.  The Unit 1 Test will be administered on Friday, September 19.  I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday, September 24 at the District Office to calibrate grading the test with other 6th Accelerated teachers.  Students will receive their results when I return on Thursday 9/25.

Students may submit Powerpoint / Keynote presentations (or other digitals files) to their appropriate Work Submission Folder on Box.
Username: s+ ID number
Password: MMDDYY

7th Grade (
This week, we will extend our understanding of integers to multiply and divide positive and negative integers and rational numbers.  Our Unit 1 Test will be on Thursday, September 25.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 5

This week, we continue our studies regarding integer and rational number operations.  We will have some visitors (teachers, math coaches, and other district personnel) come in to observe math classrooms this week some time.  Don't be alarmed if/when adults come by.

This Friday marks the end of the first grading period, so all work to be counted must be submitted this Friday.  Friday is also our big school fundraiser - the Jog-A-Thon!  All classes will be a bit shorter so that all of them meet before lunch.  The time after lunch will be devoted to the Jog-A-Thon - running and walking outside to get some good exercise, have fun, and raise money.

6th Accelerated (Class documents available at
Since we wrapped up adding and subtracting rational numbers, this week we move on to multiplying and dividing integers and rational numbers.  On Wednesday, we will begin graphing on the coordinate plane and identifying reflections across the x- and y- axes.  Although we are not dedicating significant time on remediating skills such as subtracting integers and rational numbers, students will see these problems in the daily warm ups.  If your child needs more practice, below are some resources from kuta:

Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Decimals

We will have a quiz on Friday that includes review material (adding and subtracting rational numbers) as well as this week's new material of multiplying rational numbers and graphing points and their reflections on the coordinate plane.  It will be an individual quiz (not partner like last week).

7th Grade Common Core (Class documents available at
This week, we will extend our understanding of subtracting integers to subtracting rational numbers, including decimals and fractions.  We will be practicing all week and will have a quiz on Friday that includes review material (adding integers and rational numbers, subtracting integers) as well as the new material of subtracting rational numbers.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 4

This week, all classes will begin subtracting integers.  We'll be kicking it off on Tuesday with some story problems and modeling the story with mathematics.  On Wednesday and Thursday we will continue practicing and depending on the level of mastery as we proceed, we may either explore subtraction further by subtracting rational numbers or we may take a partner quiz on subtracting integers.

On Thursday, all students will be taking the computerized STAR test.  The test is adaptive so each student will have an individualized test where a correct answer will bring forth a more difficult question and an incorrect (or no answer) will lead to an easier question.  At the end of the test, students will receive an approximate grade level of mastery.  We will be taking the STAR test periodically (2 - 3 times during the school year).  There is no need to study for this test as it is cumulative math at all grade levels.

By now, you should have received the class syllabus.  It has information about our class.  If you would like to receive emails from me about reminders and key dates, please complete the form below to be added to the class email list.

Once again, notes and other class documents are available on box.

6th Accelerated:
7th Grade:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Week 3

This year, SJUSD has partnered with to share documents through network storage.  I'm taking the plunge, too, and am going to try to put classroom documents (notes, practice problems, assignments, etc.) online for you all to have access.  These are the links for the courses that I teach:

7th Grade Common Core:
6th Grade Accelerated:

6th Accelerated
This week, we will fortify our skills of adding integers and rational numbers (and our explanations for our algorithms) and begin lessons on subtracting integers and rational numbers.

We have a quiz on Friday!
Practice Quiz available in Box.

7th Grade
Last week, many students did an excellent job of mastering the skill of adding integers and explaining the process for doing so.  This week, we will dig deeper into addition with adding all kinds of rational numbers: positive and negative decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers.

We have a quiz on Friday!
Practice for adding rational numbers available in Box.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Week 2

This week, students will be taking home their textbooks.  According to the Williams Act, the school district is required to supply all students with a textbook.  The textbooks should stay home and be used as a possible resource if students are stuck.  We also may have homework from the textbook.  So, keep it at home and take care of it there!

We will also be taking the STAR test on the computer (or iPad, whatever is first available).  The STAR test is a computer-adaptive test: a correct answer on a question leads to a more difficult one and an incorrect answer leads to an easier question.  Additionally, if too much time is spent on a problem, a wrong answer is assumed and the student is moved on to the next question.  The results estimate the grade level proficiency of the student and we use this test to track overall progress throughout the year.

Everyone needs a math journal starting this week.  Please make sure that your child comes to school with a math journal (a notebook with graph paper inside).

6th Accelerated (Periods 2 and 6)
Students should have received their score from the MDTP placement test.  Some student schedules may change as a result of this test.  If your child's schedule is changing, you will receive a phone call from Mr. Chamberlin.

This week, we will be exploring the addition of integers and rational numbers.

On Friday, we will be taking our first quiz on Adding Integers and Rational Numbers.  There is a Practice Quiz here that is due at the beginning of class on Friday.

7th Grade (Periods 1, 4, and 5)
This week we will continue practicing the addition of integers and look for patterns to help us do this quickly.

On Friday, we will be taking our first quiz on Adding Integers and Rational Numbers.  There is a Practice Quiz here that is due at the beginning of class on Friday.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New Year, New Name

Welcome Falcon Families!

For those of you who know me from before, I used to be Ms. Li.  Last March I got married and have a new name: Mrs. Tamura.  I am so excited for this new school year.  A lot of things have changed, including the curriculum, the grading policy, and overall strategies for the school year.  We may have some bumps along the way, but I hope that we'll overcome them as we proceed in the right direction.

The first few days of school we'll be reviewing key concepts and vocabulary from the previous year and also getting organized.  Students in all of my classes must have a math journal that has GRAPH PAPER inside (not a regular notebook).  They will also need a folder to hold worksheets and pencils.  A dry-erase marker is also highly recommended.  If you are able to donate any of these supplies, it would be greatly appreciated!  If you need any of these supplies, please let me know and we will make it happen.  Organization day will be on Monday, August 18, so everyone has the weekend to grab (or see me for) supplies for the big day.  Thanks!

This year, I am teaching 6th Accelerated and 7th Grade.  Please check the section that applies to you or your child.

6th Accelerated (Periods 2 and 6)
In this course, students will be learning the common core standards for both 6th grade and 7th grade.  The intention is that they will take Algebra 1 as 7th graders and then Geometry as 8th graders.  It is a very challenging course and is reserved for the highest performing 6th graders.  To determine placement, we have looked at past CST scores, the Illuminate end-of-course test from 5th grade, and the Pre-Algebra readiness test that will be administered on Thursday, August 14.  Please be advised that student schedule may change after the results of the Pre-Algebra readiness test.

7th Grade (Periods 1, 4 and 5)
In this course, students will be learning the common core standards for 7th grade.  We will take last year's introduction to integers and extend it to operations with rational numbers for Unit 1.  Some students may just have me as their regular grade level 7th grade math teacher.  Some students have an additional period of Math Lab with the fabulous Ms. Vickery.  No matter what, it's going to be a fantastic year with everyone learning a lot.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Semester 2 Week 19

End of Course Test:

Bring your textbooks to school!

We will be returning textbooks to the book depository next week (May 27 - 30).  You may bring them early and leave them in the classroom. but don't forget!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Semester 2 Week 16

8th Grade
New unit on two-dimensional geometry!  We are continuing practice on translations and beginning lessons on reflection.

6th Grade
We are practicing finding the area of composite figures.

Monday (4/28): Composite Figures Practice
Tuesday (4/29): Composite Figures Part 2

6th Grade Accelerated
The class voted to have the Unit 6 Test on Thursday this week.

Monday (4/28): Unit 6 Study Guide
Tuesday (4/29): Unit 6 Practice Test
Wednesday (4/30): Review Game in class
Thursday (5/1): Unit 6 Test on Populations and Samples

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Semester 2 Week 14

8th Grade Common Core
Unit Test 5 is on Wednesday, April 9.
Unit 5 Study Guide | Study Guide Answers
Unit 5 Practice Test | Practice Test Answers

6th Grade Common Core
Unit Test 5 is on Wednesday, April 9.
Unit 5 Study Guide | Study Guide Answers
Unit 5 Practice Test Website
Set Game

6th Grade Accelerated
Tuesday Practice:
Practice C website
Problem Solving website

City Project presentations take place on Friday, April 11.
Architectural Filing: .pages | .doc
Net: .pages | .doc

Make sure that you complete two Architectural Filings and two Nets (one prism or cylinder and one pyramid or cone).  Print your work out for Friday's presentation or put the pdf in Ms. Li's dropbox for her to print out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Semester 2 Week 6

8th Grade
We will be studying magnitude, estimating quantities, and scientific notation.

Monday (2/10) - Quiz on Exponents
Tuesday (2/11) - Magnitude (Notes.ppt | Notes.pdf)
Wednesday (2/12) - Scientific Notation (Notes.ppt | Notes.pdf)
Thursday (2/13) - Estimating Quotients

6th Accelerated
For our city project this week, we will be building nets and calculating the surface area and volume of two buildings.   One must be a prism/cylinder and the other must be a pyramid/cone.

City Project Nets, Surface Area, and Volume (.pages | .docx)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Semester 2 Week 4

8th Grade
We will go over the Unit 4 Test, complete corrections, and review and extend the concepts.

Learn to play SET: Tutorial
Play the game SET: Game

6th Grade
We will be studying independent and dependent variables on the coordinate plane.

6th Accelerated
We will go over the Unit 4 Test and complete the test corrections.  We will begin the new unit on geometry and start our long term project: City!

Architectural Filing (.pages | .doc)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Semester 2 Week 3

This week, everyone is taking their Unit 3 Test!  Please be sure to work hard on your study guide and review packets.

8th Grade
Study Guide
Test on Friday (1/24/14)

6th Grade
Study Guide
Unit 3 Card Race (with Answers)
Test on Thursday (1/23/14)

6th Grade Accelerated
Study Guide
Test on Wednesday (1/22/14)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Semester 2 Week 2

8th Grade
This week, we will continue to solve systems of equations.  On Monday and Tuesday, we will be practicing the method of substitution.  On Wednesday and Thursday, we will be practicing the method of elimination.

Substitution Handout (includes homework)
Substitution Powerpoint

6th Grade
This week, we will be reviewing for next week's Unit 3 Test.  The topics that we will review this week are combining like terms, the three different properties (associative, commutative, and distributive), writing and evaluating expressions, and exponents.  Each day, we will review a concept and work not completed in class will need to be completed for homework.

Monday (1/13) - Combining Like Terms and the Distributive Property
Tuesday (1/14) - Evaluating Expressions
Wednesday (1/15) - Writing and Evaluating Expressions
Thursday (1/16) - Exponents
Friday (1/17) - Unit 3 Study Guide

6th Grade Accelerated
This week, we will be reviewing for next week's Unit 3 Test.  The topics that we will review this week are linear equations, inequalities, and exponents.  Each day, we will review a concept and work not completed in class will need to be completed for homework.

Monday (1/13) - Linear Equations
Tuesday (1/14) - Inequalities
Wednesday (1/15) - Writing and Evaluating Expressions
Thursday (1/16) - Exponents
Friday (1/17) - Unit 3 Study Guide

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Semester 2 - Week 1

The blog is back!!  After a long hiatus (too long), the blog is back in business.  Check here for classwork, homework and other announcements.

8th Grade
This week, we will be starting a new topic of systems of equations.  We will begin with solving systems by graphing.  Additionally, we will be reviewing how to solve multi-step equations.  We will also be taking the STAR (computer) test.

Systems of Equations by Graphing Packet

6th Grade
This week, we will be studying exponents.  We will also be reviewing other Unit 3 topics on expressions.

Tuesday (1/7) - WB 1-2 (pg 2) #1-24
Wednesday (1/8) - More Exponents Practice WS (Due on Friday 1/10)

6th Grade Accelerated
This week, we will be reviewing one-step inequalities and graphing equations in slope-intercept form.  The new topics that we will cover are two-step inequalities and inequality word problems.  We will also practice inequalities with rational numbers.  Typically, students are given guided and independent practice in class and the homework is simply anything that they have not finished yet.  Students always have at least 30 minutes in class to begin their independent practice and ask questions.

Tuesday (1/7) - One-Step Inequalities WS
Wednesday (1/8) - Two-Step Inequalities WS and WB 3-8 #1-10