This week marks the beginning of a new unit and new grading period.
6th graders will be starting a unit on geometry. We will be classifying angles (acute, obtuse, right, complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent), measuring angles, and finding angle measures using algebra.
8th graders will further their study on quadratic equations by finding roots/x-intercepts/zeroes, completing the square, and discovering the quadratic equation.
Just a few additional announcements:
- Next Tuesday, there will be a writing test. 7th graders will be taking a state test and 6th and 8th graders will be taking a district assessment. Be on the lookout for shortened classes and one long one for the test.
- I will not be in school on Monday and Tuesday next week. Because of this, there will not be a quiz on Friday - it has been moved to Monday. I will use Friday as an instructional day. Thanks for your understanding!
6th Grade HW
Mon. (2/22): Angles worksheet
Tue. (2/23): Pg. 442 #1-10
Thu. (2/25): Quiz 16 Practice Problems
Fri. (2/26): Extra Credit WS (Quiz on Monday)
8th Grade HW
Mon. (2/22): Pg. 579 #13-22
Tue. (2/23): Pg. 585 # 1-10
Wed (2/24): Pg. 595 #2-11
Thu. (2/25): Quiz 17 Practice Problems
Fri. (2/26): Extra Credit WS (Quiz on Monday)